Evernote Alfred

  1. Search alfred evernote Updated Feb 18, 2017; shuowu / yi-note Sponsor Star 97 Code Issues Pull requests YiNote browser extension - online video note taking tool.
  2. This is sort of a plugin to a great OSX app, Alfred. It adds all notes in Evernote “Snippets” Notebook as a quick-paste snippet in Alfred. I use both alfred and evernote extensively, so Im quite happy about this one! Provided you have Evernote, Alfred and powerpack and this workflow installed.
  1. Evernote Alfred
  2. Alfred Evernote Search
  3. Evernote Alfred Wegener

Evernote uses cookies to enable the Evernote service and to improve your experience with us. To learn more, check out our cookie policy. By clicking OK or continuing to use our site, you agree that we can place these cookies. Alfred-evernote-workflow use html cache to enable note preview feature. This command save html caches of all of notes from your Evernote client. When the command is running, you are not able to run note searches with the `ens` command. In this case, the `ens` command displays the number of notes that are cached to show you progress. If you haven’t heard yet, Alfred 2 is out. The new version introduces workflows to the Powerpack, which I’m quickly finding to be indispensable. I’ve created a workflow for adding a single to-do or a to-do list to Evernote. It works by typing “todo” then the text you want to follow a checkbox.

08 Jul 2011
IMPORTANT: Please see additional updates at the end of this post.

Evernote Alfred


At the time of writing, this new version of Alfred really is hot offthe keyboard. It may be by the time you’re reading this post that thenew features are on general release, but if not I grabbed my copy ofAlfred 0.9.9 dev 1 build from the dev download page. The feature you’re going to needavailable is that of importing an extension in order to use this Evernote Search.

The packaged up version of my search Evernote script is available todownload using the link below. Save the zip file to a convenientlocation then open up Alfred’s preferences. Navigate to the “Extensions”settings and simply drag and drop the zip file onto the window. On thenew pop-up just click the “Import” button and you’ll now be looking atthe Search Evernote extension.

Rather than running via osascript from the terminal, Alfred now allowsAppleScript to be called directly. The script is almost identical tothat posted previously, but nowfits to the couple of lines of AppleScript Alfred uses to pass the queryparameters in.

For more on how it all works go back and check out my previous post, but the realbeauty is you can just import with a drag and drop and you’re ready tosearch.

  1. Alfred 2.0 was released into Beta in January 2013. The search is now included as part of the Evernote Search+ workflow for Alfred 2.0.
Author:Stephen Millard

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If you haven’t heard yet, Alfred 2 is out. The new version introduces workflows to the Powerpack, which I’m quickly finding to be indispensable. I’ve created a workflow for adding a single to-do or a to-do list to Evernote. It works by typing “todo” then the text you want to follow a checkbox. You can also append tags with a “#” (each tag gets one, this allows for tags with spaces). To create a to-do list, type “todos” followed by the list title (optional) then mark off each to-do with a “*”. Tags work here as well.

If you’re not already using checkboxes in Evernote, you’re doing it wrong. They’re searchable, so as you’re taking notes just drop in checkboxes next to your actionable items. Later you can search for unchecked checkboxes to build your to-do list. If you’re big on the GTD approach (as I am) you can include tags for context (i.e. at work, at home, calls, etc.). There will be more from me re: Evernote and GTD, so stay tuned.

AlfredEvernote Alfred

Evernote Alfred Wegener

Download the Evernote To-dos workflow here.

Tags: Alfred, Apple, AppleScript, Evernote