Gitkraken Svn

  1. Gitkraken Svn To Git
  2. Gitkraken Svn

The answers to your important Frequently Asked Questions.

  1. Easy to install comes with another 'downside' a svn is old technology, which use centralized distribution model, even devs of svn make point here. For me to use a svn make sense and i need pretty quickly to set up a 'small' version control server, so that later if something get corrupted i be able to recover back from repo. This is my backup plan.
  2. VCS yang ada saat ini secara garis besar ada 2 yaitu Git dan SVN ( Subversion). Dikutip dari Sumber: https. Login via Github atau registrasi ember baru Gitkraken.

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Gitkraken Svn To Git

Gitkraken AUR Package. Change to the gitkraken folder; Update package version in PKGBUILD; Generate new checksums with updpkgsums; Test install makepkg -si; Update.SRCINFO makepkg -printsrcinfo.SRCINFO. GitKraken v6.1.4 ThinApped (Patched, Portable) Git GUI client Did you know that every time you release the Kraken, Keif does a happy dance, and so do we?! Now that more than 1.5 million developers are using the GitKraken Git Client and Glo Boards to build epic software, we’ve mastered the Git Up.

  • GitKraken Cheat Sheet
  • GitKraken for GitHub Users Cheat Sheet

Features & interface

Does GitKraken support TFS, Visual Studio Team Service or Azure DevOps?

Yes, for Azure DevOps (previously VSTS), you can use our integration with Azure DevOps!

For TFS instances you will need to clone your repo File Clone Repo and then enter the HTTPS repository URL (which can be found at the top-right of your Code page).
If you're connecting to a remote TFS Git server from a Mac or Linux, you will need to enable Basic Authentication in IIS for TFS.

If authenticating to TFS via username and password is not working, try creating a Personal Access Token (PAT) to use in place of a password.

For more information authenticating with repos, check out our SSH and HTTPS page.

What Linux distributions are supported by GitKraken?

GitKraken currently supports Ubuntu 16.04 LTS+, RHEL 7+, CentOS 7+, and Fedora 30+. While GitKraken might be able to be installed on other distros, we cannot guarantee that it will behave properly.

How can I see what commands GitKraken makes to the CLI?

Unlike other Git GUI clients, GitKraken is not a front-end GUI for your command line. It works directly with your repositories with no dependencies, which means a separate Git installation isn’t required.

How can I use multiple GitHub / GitLab / Bitbucket / Azure DevOps accounts with GitKraken?

By default, GitKraken connects to one integration at a time. However, with GitKraken Pro‘s multiple profile support, you can easily switch between profiles that each have their own associated GitHub and BitBucket accounts.
If you have PRO, set up profiles to configure a GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or Azure DevOps account for each profile.

How do I change the avatar associated with my commits?

Your commit avatar in GitKraken is linked to the Gravatar, which is linked to your .gitconfig email address. If you change your Gravatar, your avatar in GitKraken will update itself.

Can I use my GitKraken paid license on more than one computer?

Yes, your GitKraken paid subscription is associated with your email address, not a specific computer. So you can use GitKraken on as many computers as you'd like. 🖥️

Why can't I see remotes under my integration drop-down menu?

The remote drop-down menu is for adding remotes from an integration (such as GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc.) and will only display forks of the repository. To add a remote that is not a fork, use the URL option instead.

How do I push a local project from GitKraken to GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, or Azure DevOps?

You need to change your branch's upstream and force push.

  • Initialize a blank project on GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or Azure DevOps.
  • Open your local project in GitKraken.
  • Add your newly initialized project as a remote using the URL option.
  • Update your branch's upstream so it points to your new remote.
  • Push the branch. You will be prompted to , which is the correct action to take for this use case.

You are done! Your local project is now on your hosting service.

Can I access repos for GitHub Enterprise, GitLab Self-Managed, Bitbucket Server or Azure DevOps with my Individual subscription?

Yes you can! From a new tab navigate toClone a repo Clone Clone with URL. From here enter the remote SSH or HTTPS URL and click .

How do I sign out of GitKraken?

You may sign into a different account by selecting your profile icon in the top right corner and selecting Sign into a different account.


While there is no way to sign out of GitKraken, you may delete all of your GitKraken data by deleting the ~./gitkraken folder. You can find the Data Location for your operating system here.

Technical issues

I receive a 'Could not find a compatible repository' for one of my repos. How can I fix that?

That error usually indicates something is stopping GitKraken from opening the repo. If you have this project open in another tool, such as an IDE, try closing that application and then relaunching GitKraken.


If you have CLI installed, try running git status. If you have pending changes, try stashing or committing those changes or switching branches, and see if that allows you to load the repo in GitKraken.

On Windows machines, it is possible that a file path became too long.

There could also be an issue with the directory path itself. Try cloning this repository to a different local directory.

I just downloaded GitKraken and it is not working.

If you are on Linux and are unable to launch GitKraken after installation, try to launch the application from the terminal to verify that there are no missing dependencies. Also, be sure to check out our page on How to Install GitKraken.

I just subscribed but I do not see PRO in the lower right corner.

Be sure you are logged in with the same email address registered with your GitKraken Pro subscription. Click your profile icon in the upper right corner to check which email you're using or to sign into your account.

I'm having an SSH issue.

The most common issues are:

  • Misconfigured SSH settings — If you are using SSH (your remote URL takes the form of ssh://{host}/{repo} or {user}@{host}:{repo}), go to Preferences Authentication to confirm that your SSH settings are correct.

  • Use of SSH config — GitKraken does not currently respect your SSH config and cannot make use of any remote server nicknames or identities. You can either load your SSH key directly into GitKraken or use your system’s SSH agent to authenticate with your remote.

  • SSH-agent on Windows — GitKraken currently only supports Pagent for the SSH agent. You can download PuTTY and Pagent from their page here.

I can't view any of my GitHub remotes from GitKraken.

GitKraken needs to be authorized in your GitHub account in order to browse remote repositories, view and create pull requests, and perform other actions. You can double-check that GitKraken is authorized from your GitHub authorized applications page.
If GitKraken is authorized on your GitHub account, you should be able to browse and connect to any of your personal repositories. However to connect to any repositories owned by an organization, GitKraken usually also needs to be authorized by the organization. After authorizing GitKraken on your own account, you can make access requests to your organizations from here. Requests must be approved by organization owners, as explained in GitHub's documentation.
If you are attempting to use GitKraken with a repository owned by a different individual, consider forking their repository to use GitKraken for your changes. Otherwise this other individual will need to first install GitKraken and connect it to GitHub to authorize GitKraken.

I'm having an issue using GitKraken behind a firewall.

GitKraken should activate and run automatically behind standard firewall setups. Due to the highly variable nature of firewall configurations, we cannot troubleshoot individually, nor can we guarantee that your setup will be compatible with GitKraken.

I can't get GitKraken to run behind a proxy. Is there anything I can do to make it work?

GitKraken supports both authenticated and non-authenticated proxies, but some PACs and URL-based settings still may not work. If this applies to you, there are some workarounds (please note that there is no guarantee that these fixes will work for all users):

  • If you're having issues using GitKraken through a proxy, use the http.proxy Git config setting. Add your proxy to this file and give it a whirl.

  • If that doesn't work, configuring remote.<name>.proxy might help. Bear in mind that local (repo-specific) settings override the settings your global Git config.

Learn more on our SSH, HTTPS, & Proxies page.

GitKraken keeps spinning when opening a repo. Can I use it with repos on DropBox or OneDrive?

GitKraken does not support opening repos hosted on DropBox or OneDrive. We recommend moving your repo to a location on your machine, and then opening the repo from there.

My commit graph is not showing up correctly.

Gitkraken Svn

Sometimes a repository can get in an unexpected state that causes it to not work correctly in GitKraken. This may be your commit graph not showing up at all or seeing the message 'Displaying 2000 commits'.

Try running git gc from the terminal on this repository and then relaunching GitKraken. You can also try taking a fresh clone of the repository in a new location.

My files are not showing up as expected or are marked as binary.

GitKraken Git GUI only supports UTF-8 file encoding. Files may display in an unexpected way or be marked a binary if files are not encoded in UTF-8.

You can use and external diff and merge tools to work on files using other encoding types.

Can't find your question here? Contact us and ask away.

In 2019 we had the opportunity to start a project from scratch for a new customer. We decided to experiment with our workflow to try and resolve recurring issues from other projects and use the maximum potential of the tools and products available to us. For Example, as a Microsoft Gold Partner, we are primarily using Microsoft Products for collaboration and project management (i.e. Microsoft Teams, Azure DevOps, Office 365).

One of the biggest changes was the switch from TFS to Git for our code repository and Microsoft Azure DevOps for project and task management.

In this article, I will summarize our approach using these tools including the git client GitKraken which implements the GitFlow workflow approach. Each concept can be used separately but for us, those tools combined gave us a nice and smooth experience.

****Note: GitKraken has a free desktop version but for this tutorial, we are using the pro version which includes Azure DevOps integration.

  • Challenges and problems we tried to resolve
    • Teamwork
    • Code Review
  • Definition & Tool
    • Git
    • GitFlow
      • Key Benefits
  • Environment Setup
  • WorkFlow in Action
    • Pull Request on Azure Devops
    • Pull Request Approval and Code Review
    • Multiple Features / Conflicts

This is a summary of what we tried to achieve and why we think these tools combined have helped us in many areas including collaboration, git concept learning curve, code quality, code consistency, and code stability.


Having multiple developers working on the same projects isn’t always easy especially when you try to not step on each other’s feet. A new coder on the team can break the project branch with one wrong commit and affect all other members. Which sometimes ends with stressful and complete chaos for a short (sometimes long) period time on the entire team. Unit Tests can’t be done on dev because the feature isn’t completed yet. What features are being worked on and by who.

Git Flow to the rescue

With Git Flow branching strategy and some settings on Dev Ops no commits can be done directly on the develop branch. Each developer is required to create a feature branch off the develop branch. All work related to the feature they are working on will be done there. Once a feature is considered done, the developer has to create a pull request to merge their feature into the develop branch. Their pull request then has to be reviewed and approved by the project lead, or another member of the team.

Pros we see:

  • It forces the project to be split into little features
  • Corrupted commits don’t affect other team members
  • Dev can easily relate their feature (pull request ) with bugs, tasks, and stories
  • Dev branch will receive only approved code (more stable, less potential bugs)

Code Review

Even as a small company, we struggle to find the right process to perform code reviews. It can be hard to find a tool to review commits correctly or easily provide feedback on the developer’s code you are reviewing. Azure DevOps offer a smart and very user-friendly way to remedy that challenge and it was a huge success using this feature during our last project.

Pull Request & Azure DevOps to the rescue

As mentioned in the previous point. Once a feature is considered done the developer has to create a pull request asking his feature to be merged to the develop branch. With a few settings on Azure DevOps, we can set multiple criteria for a pull request to be approved.

  • Be approved by one or multiple team members
  • The project has to build with no errors
  • All code review comments must be resolved
  • One or more work items must be associated with the pull request

This gave us an incredible way to keep the code consistent, easily explain to your peers what is wrong with their code or approach and at the end lower the number of bugs present in the application.


Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.

Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance. It outclasses SCM tools like Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and ClearCase with features like cheap local branching, convenient staging areas, and multiple workflows.

Why git is called a distributed source control system?

This is very important and probably one of the biggest mindset changes we had to do from switching from TFS to Git.

A distributed source control system has each user create a copy or clone of a repository on their local machine. All commits made by the user are done so only on their local repository and not directly to the origin repository (server). To synchronize changes between a client and origin repository the user performs, pull and push commands. This allows the user to work independently of others. Then pushing their changes and pulling in the most recent changes when they need to.

In the figure below we have the origin repository while each user has their own repository. With changes being synced back and forth between the origin.

Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps formerly known as (VSTS) is a recent continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) service provided by Microsoft. It works with any managed Git provider and can deploy to most major cloud services, which allow for Azure services. Azure DevOps provides pipelines to configure and automate builds and releases to different environments. These pipelines can be in YAML or as visual models in the Azure DevOps webpages. Azure DevOps is a fast way to automate build (CI) and deploy (CD) projects and make them available to users. source


GitKraken is a Git GUI client for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It helps developers become more productive and efficient with Git. It’s free for non-commercial use. (Need a Pro license to connect to Azure Devops)

GitKraken simplifies complicated commands into drag and drop actions. It makes working with remote repositories easier through integrations with GitHub, Bitbucket and GitLab. It allows you to resolve merge conflicts without ever leaving the app. And it supports Gitflow, Git Hooks, LFS, and more. source

Official site


GitFlow is a branching model for Git, created by Vincent Driessen. It has attracted a lot of attention because it is very well suited to collaboration and scaling the development team.

Key Benefits

Parallel Development

One of the great things about GitFlow is that it makes parallel development very easy, by isolating new development from finished work. New development (such as features and non-emergency bug fixes) is done in feature branches, and is only merged back into main body of code when the developer(s) is happy that the code is ready for release.

Although interruptions are a BadThing(tm), if you are asked to switch from one task to another, all you need to do is commit your changes and then create a new feature branch for your new task. When that task is done, just checkout your original feature branch and you can continue where you left off.


Feature branches also make it easier for two or more developers to collaborate on the same feature, because each feature branch is a sandbox where the only changes are the changes necessary to get the new feature working. That makes it very easy to see and follow what each collaborator is doing.

Release Staging Area

As new development is completed, it gets merged back into the develop branch, which is a staging area for all completed features that haven’t yet been released. So when the next release is branched off of develop, it will automatically contain all of the new stuff that has been finished.

Support For Emergency Fixes

GitFlow supports hotfix branches - branches made from a tagged release. You can use these to make an emergency change, safe in the knowledge that the hotfix will only contain your emergency fix. There’s no risk that you’ll accidentally merge in new development at the same time.

Create a new project

First thing let’s create a new project on Azure DevOps.Of course, you have to make sure the version control is set to Git. The other options can be set to your preferences.

Welcome to your newly created project.

Connect GitKraken to Azure DevOps

First thing is to connect GitKraken to your Azure DevOps. For that, you are going to need to create a Token

When opening GitKraken you should see Azure DevOps option available (Pro Version)

Enter your devops url and click “Generate a token on Azure DevOps”.

You will be redirected to your AzureDevOps personal setting and will be invited to create a new Token

Give it a name and depending on your preferences you can set a maximum of one year validity.

Then switch to a full access scope.

Gitkraken Svn

Once you click on create Azure DevOps will give you a Token to copy.

Copy that token and return to GitKraken to past it.

Once you click on Connect you should see your token

You can then make sure SSH Key has been correctly added to your DevOps SSH public keys

Now your GitKraken is successfully connected to your Azure DevOps

Clone your Git Repo from GitKraken

Now you are connected to your DevOps organization you can clone your newly created project.

GitKraken will clone to the location you indicated and invite you to do an initial commit to initialize the repo.

Once the initial commit is done you should see the following screen

To confirm that you repo was correctly initialize. You can navigate to the Repos tab of your project on DevOps and you should see a master branch with a readme file in it.

Initialize Git Flow branches from GitKraken.

We are now going to initialize the Git Flow branching strategy with the help of GitKraken. It will give you a quick way to create new branches (develop, features, releases or hotfixes.)

From GitKraken open the Preferences

And then reach the Git Flow menu

Then click on Initialize Git Flow

You will see now that new menu appeared on your GitKraken main screen but also develop branch was created locally.

As mentioned earlier Git is a distributed source code repository

For now, develop is only on your local machine. That’s why we can’t see it on the remote yet. It needs to be pushed.

On GitKraken you can see what is on remote and what is on local by checking little icon. Little computer is where local is and the DevOps team logo is where remote is.

On the screenshot bellow, I need to push my local to remote if I want to init the develop branch.

And that’s the beauty of Git. You can do as many checking you want locally before sharing it with the rest of the team.

First, you need to checkout the development for Git to point to this branch.

Normally with command line, it would be done by

Within GitKraken you can simply double click on the develop from Main area or left panel.

Now develop should be focused.

Now you can click push to push all the develop changes from local to origin. This will create the branch on the server.

Unless you want to rename anything or have multiple remote you can confirm by clicking submit.

If everything went well you should be able to see the develop branch on remoteand logo from team should be also beside develop.

Setting Branch Policies and Pull Request

As mentioned earlier we want to block people from pushing directly to the develop branch forcing them to create pull request and also setting some rules for a pull request to be approved. (like can’t be approved by yourself and so on.)

Go on Repo-> Branches menu of Azure Devops

You should see the two branches master and develop

First, little thing to do (optional) is setting the develop branch as the Compare one. Then all the features branch will take the develop branch as a comparation reference and show how many commits behind or ahead it is.

Click on the 3 dots and then Set as compare branch

Then we want to setup Branch Policies by again clicking the 3 dots and then Branch policies

You can now set the rules as you wish.

  • Having Reviewers
  • Linked work items
  • Resolved Comments
  • Merge type
  • Build validation (we will do a tutorial on this topic as well)
  • etc

As mention in the disclaimer of that page setting rules will automatically apply the following.

For the purpose of this tutorial I’m going to activate only a reviewer and comment being set to resolve. (I can approve my own pull request but it is for this tutorial purpose)

Here is option example:

Congratulations!: Your environment is now ready to use and setup correctly.

Starting a feature

Now we are starting a new project which will be a small API made with node.js.

Let say you have all your user stories setup with tasks on DevOps

The first feature I’m going to work on is project setup. (note here the project is a sample one very small but normal features are a group of one or multiple tasks and not user storied like this example.)

Just to confirm my setting applied. I’m trying to commit my initial files to the develop branch

I am able to push against dev locally but when trying to push on remote I have the following message

Creating a feature from GitKraken

Click on Open GitFlow panel on the left panel of GitKraken

Select Start New Feature

Then type the name of the feature and click start feature

Now we can see that we have a local feature folder created with a project-setup branch in it (only locally for now). I can now push my changes to that local feature branch.

Notice that Gitkraken has a nice code comparison tool with different types of view including side by side view.

We can now as manycommit we want on our local branch.When a feature is done or when we want to share progression we can push all the changes to remote

Create Pull Request with GitKraken

Now it is time to ask for the feature to be merged with develop branch.

Of course, pull request can be created on dev ops directly, command line etc.

Here we are going to create a pull request via GitKraken.

Two ways of doing it.

Click Create pull request menu

Or Drag and Dropping the feature branch to develop

We can enter the information we want and then create the pull request.

You can now view your pull request on azure. It needs now to be approved to be merged on develop

Pull Request on Azure Devops

General View

Adding Work Items

You can now add work items related to the pull request (they can be automatically close when pull request is approved )

Adding Reviewers

Reviewers can be set and they will receive a notification via email automatically

Set auto-complete

One nice feature is you can set some rules whenever the PR is approved like

  • Deleting feature branch automatically

  • Set related work items to be resolved, completed, closed …

  • Merge Type

Now Pull Request is fully setup and is waiting to be approved

Pull Request Approval and Code Review

As a reviewer, you will have all you need to see what was done for that feature.

Azure devops provide a nice and easy way to review and give feedback on your peers’ code.

Indeed in one view only you can scroll through all the changes at once.

Feedback on code

As mentioned reviewers and any people can leave a comment on a specific line of code or an entire file.

Entire file

Specific line

A nice feature is the fact that comments can be rich and including many formatting/tagging/images/Pull Request or items reference and much more.

Now a comment is posted we can see on the PR timeline a policy that it doesn’t comply to rules of having all comments resolved

The developer will be notified about the comment and make the required changes or reply to the comment

He can push his new changes and reply to the comment by tagging the reviewer for example.

The new commit will appear in the Pull Request timeline

If change is good then the reviewer can now resolve the comment

Now Pull Request is ready to approve. The reviewer can click on Approve.

The PR will now indicate that the changes will be merged into develop.

Once Merge being completed the Pull Request will be set to completed

We can also notice the Tasks and User Story being closed automatically

Finally, we can visually see the merge happened in GitKraken

Notice also that feature branch was deleted from remote.To keep things clean it is better to delete it also locally

Multiple Features / Conflicts

Now any developers can start there one feature without affecting the develop branch

In the following example, we can see 2 features going on products and orders

Following the previous pull request creation sequence each feature will have its pull request once completed.

We can see that develop now is behind and can be tested with the previous request being approved

We will end with pull request for each feature

It can happen that the order of Pull Request being approved and changes may trigger conflicts.


For example, while working on orders feature (product and many others were already done.)Two developers changed the application variable name.

Result being Pull Request indicating that there is a conflict

Merging and Resolving Conflicts using GitKraken

To have pull request completed and conflicts resolved. The developer needs to merge all the develop changed into its feature.

In that case, we are going to merge develop into featureorder

It can be done by drag and dropping develop on the feature branch

Then the conflict will be detected

Clicking view conflicts will show all the files that cause the conflicts

You can click on each file and have access to a very user friendly editor where you can select or exclude any line or even edit the output as needed

Once conflicts edited click on saveNow Merge is ready to Commit and Merge

Once commit is pushed. The Pull Request will be ready to be completed.

Once completed you can see how dev once merge before feature being merged itself in develop

In conclusion, we did a retrospective on this project and all the team members agreed by saying this workflow really help the project and all its participants. All dev have a different level of experiences and different preferences but everyone agreed this was the way to go to work together.

GitKraken really simplifies everything when it comes to deal with all the Git concepts without using a console any single time. This is definitely a tool we want to keep in our work and it will be hard to go back on other code source repositories like TFS or SVN.

Having Git Flow and Pull Request policies in place was a bit challenging at first but in the end, we were always able to provide nice and smooth feedback on each other code which ended with much more consistent and solid code without enforcing strict coding style policy.

Azure Devops is a must-have for us now. Everything is very user friendly and the amount of things we can do with this tool is amazing. One of the policies we had for pull request was the application being able to build (.net core api + angular). We didn’t have last-minute bad surprise we an application not able to build for production and not being able to deploy.