Todoist Every Day

A task manager you can trust for life. In the 14 years and 84 days that we’ve been building Todoist, we’ve never considered selling out or becoming acquired. Our team is committed to staying independent and earning your trust for as long as you need our apps. Every day starting 1st of December, ending on the 10th of December Set due dates in Todoist with Smart Schedule The Smart Schedule function in Todoist is an AI-based function that helps you schedule or re-schedule your tasks. Keep yourself on track with tasks that repeat every day. Use this Zap to automatically create daily tasks for yourself at the same time each day. Now, your task list won't be cluttered with recurring tasks for tomorrow, but rather will only contain tasks that need to be taken care of immediately. How this Schedule by Zapier-Todoist integration. Day Section of the Upcoming View in Todoist the day section of the Upcoming View in Todoist. The day section of the Upcoming view the currently selected day and each successive day and the tasks assigned to them. You can scroll through the future dates up to 2 years from the current day.

Dates in Todoist can sometimes be a bit confusing. Here you will find a complete overview of the date formats and the ways of using dates in Todoist.

Note: I recommend to bookmark this post so that you can easily find it when you are struggling with dates in Todoist.

How to set dates in Todoist

You can set dates in Todoist using the calendar/date selector, or by using natural language.

Todoist will automatically recognize and add due dates as you type them into a task name. This feature is called Smart date recognition. You can turn this feature on or off by going to Settings / General / Smart date recognition.

Disabling Smart date recognition for a single task

Sometimes, Todoist’s Smart date recognition can be a source of irritation. Let’s say the task is “Finish monthly expense report” By the time you type “Finish mon” Todoist will have interpreted this as a task named “Finish” that is due on Monday. To avoid this, press backspace or delete on your keyboard, or tap the highlighted word on your phone or tablet.

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Natural language formats

Todoist Everyday Except

Relative dates

WriteTo get
todToday’s date
todayToday’s date
today at 9Today at 09:00 (or 9 am)
tomTomorrow’s date
tomorrowTomorrow’s date
tomorrow at 21:00Tomorrow at 21:00 (or 9 pm)
next weekNext Monday (or what you have specified as the start of the week in settings.)
end of monthThe last day of the current month
next monthThe first day of the next month

Specific dates

WriteTo get
25 feb25. February current year
feb 2525. February current year
25thThe 25th day of the current month
feb 13 201913. February 2019
13.02.201913. February 2019
13/02/201913. February 2019
2019/02/1313. February 2019
02/13/201913. February 2019
13-02-201913. February 2019
2019-02-1313. February 2019
02-13-201913. February 2019

Specific days

WriteTo get
monNext Monday
mondayNext Monday
tueNext Tuesday
tuesdayNext Tuesday
wedNext Wednesday
wednesdayNext Wednesday
thuNext Thursday
thursdayNext Thursday
friNext Friday
fridayNext Friday
satNext Saturday
saturdayNext Saturday
sunNext Sunday
sundayNext Sunday

Recurring due dates in Todoist

The only way to set recurring due dates in Todoist is by using natural language. I’m tempted to say that your imagination is the limit but to make it easy to get started, I have made some tables below.

Relative numbers

WriteTo get
everyEvery day, week, month, etc
every 2Every other day, week, month, etc
every otherEvery other day, week, month, etc
every 3Every third day, week, month, etc
every thirdEvery third day, week, month, etc
every 4Every fourth day, week, month, etc
every fourthEvery fourth day, week, month, etc
every 5Every fifth day, week, month, etc
every fifthEvery fifth day, week, month, etc
every 6Every sixth day, week, month, etc
every sixthEvery sixth day, week, month, etc
every 7Every seventh day, week, month, etc
every seventhEvery seventh day, week, month, etc
every 8Every eighth day, week, month, etc
every eighthEvery eighth day, week, month, etc
every 9Every ninth day, week, month, etc
every ninthEvery ninth day, week, month, etc
every 10Every tenth day, week, month, etc
every tenthEvery tenth day, week, month, etc

The use of ! (exclamation mark)

Thanks to the tip from Keith in the comment section, I can list a very useful function that was unknown to me: The format Every! will calculate the next occurrence from when you complete the task. Meaning that if you complete the task later than on the first due date, the next occurrence will be calculated from when you completed the previous task.

Specific dates and days

WriteTo get
every 1stEvery 1st of the month
every last dayEvery last day of the month
every other mondayEvery other Monday
every morningEvery day at 09:00 (9 am)
every eveningEvery day at 19:00 (7 pm)
every weekdayEvery Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
every workdayEvery Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

Todoist Every Day Meaning

Setting start dates for non-recurring tasks in Todoist

Start dates for non-recurring tasks are actually not supported in Todoist. The dates above are all due dates. You have three options to get around this:

  1. Register the start date as the due date. When the task shows up, use the every day until <due date> to make the task repeat until the desired due date.
  2. Register the task with due date every day from <start date> to <due date> .
  3. Register the task with a due date and set a reminder for the start date.

Start and end dates for recurring tasks in Todoist

WriteTo get
every day starting december 01Every day from 1st of December
every day ending december 01Every day starting today, ending 1st of December
Every day for 4 weeksEvery day starting today, ending in 4 weeks
Every day for 5 monthsEvery day starting today, ending in 5 months
Every day from 01 december to 10 decemberEvery day starting 1st of December, ending on the 10th of December

Todoist Every Day Youtube

Set due dates in Todoist with Smart Schedule

The Smart Schedule function in Todoist is an AI-based function that helps you schedule or re-schedule your tasks. It learns over time, making better and better predictions. To learn more about the Todoist Smart Schedule function, visit this help article from Todoist.

Dates in Todoist filters

For a complete overview of how to make filters in Todoist, please visit the below blog post.

The ultimate guide to Todoist filters

Here you will find everything worth knowing about Todoist filters. Filters are a great tool, both when you need an ...
Read More

Date formats

  • Given date: 15.01.2017
  • Given date US format: 01/15/2017, Jan 15th
  • Given date and time: 15.01.2017 16:00
  • Given date and time US format: 01/15/2017 4 pm, Jan 15th 4 pm
  • Relative date: yesterday, today, tomorrow
  • Due Date: 2 days (due in the next two days), -2 days, (due in the past two days)
  • Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Creation dates

  • created:
  • created before:
  • created after:

Due dates

  • due:
  • due before:
  • due after:
  • next X days
  • overdue
  • recurring
  • no date

Filtering on Creation dates

created: todayAll tasks created today
created before: -365All tasks created more than 365 days ago
created after: 01/15/2017All tasks created after Jan 15th, 2017

Filtering on Due dates

due todayAll tasks due today
due before: Jan 15All tasks due before January 15
due after: 01/15/2017All tasks due after Jan 15th, 2017
due in 2 dayAll tasks due in two days
next 10 daysAll tasks due in the next ten days
overdueAll tasks that are overdue
recurringAll tasks with recurring due date
no dateAll tasks without a due date
!no dateAll tasks with a due date

I have spoken many times about GTD and how productivity is a part of my life. I’ve tried just a ton of the apps and ways to make sure that the tasks for work and home don’t get missed and fall through the cracks. However I have had varying success with OmniFocus, Evernote, Gmail, and others. When I saw Todoist I thought “what makes this one work better than any others?”

My ears still perk up anytime I hear about another To Do app mainly because I haven’t fully had one to do the job 100%. What I look for in a To Do application is that it fits within my workflow and everyday use. I’m a big fan of applications as tools, not as a way of life. So I don’t want to have to work at making sure I’m using the application. In fact, I’d much rather have the application insert itself right into my flow without even thinking about it.

What I look for in a To Do application

My 'must haves' are

  1. The application to me has to not only work on my computer, but also on my phone, and preferably through the web browser.

  2. Being that I’m on the web all day long in various sites and services, I need the insertion of a task to be easy.

  3. I need filtering within the application such that as tasks get completed, other tasks filter up either by priority or by date or both.

  4. I need shortcut keys. If I have to move my mouse to click a few buttons to start typing, then already too much time has been wasted and it breaks my workflow.

  5. Repeatable tasks.

Some of my “nice to have’s” are:

  1. Location aware reminders

  2. Native integrations with other tools I use

  3. Sharing/Assigning of tasks

Todoist meets my #1 requirement. It is a standalone app, has a web based interface, and an Android app. This is essential to me because I never know where I’ll be at any given point, so I like to know that I can get access to my tasks from anywhere.

It also meets my #5 requirement. I hate repeating myself. Which I suppose is natural being a developer. If I find myself having to do the same thing twice, then I want to figure out a way to make it happen automatically. Todoist handles repeating tasks perfectly and seamless. When I need a task, let’s say my Weekly Review to happen every Sunday morning, I set the date reminder on it by simply typing “every Sun” and it’ll appear ever Sunday without fail.

Adding tasks into any To Do app should be pretty easy and seamless. However Todoist has made this even more seamless with their extensions. I use Chrome and Gmail and Todoist has built extensions for both.

Adding Todoist to Chrome

Once installed, there appears a button in the toolbar. Now say I’m on a site for tickets to a show, but they don’t go on sale until some point in the future. I simply click the button in the toolbar and then type in ‘q’. It’ll pop open the Add Task screen and there’s a link at the bottom that says Add website as task. It automatically pulls whatever site I’m looking at in as a task and then I can set the rest of details of the task.

Then once that task filters up in my list, the title of the task is clickable and goes right to the website.

Adding Todoist to Gmail

Like Chrome there’s a Gmail extension for Todoist. When installed, you’ll see a small window that looks minimized inside Gmail. When I’m on an email that I need to take action on but not right away, I open that window, hit ‘q’ and it’ll open the Add Task screen. Similarly to Chrome, there’s an Add email as task link at the bottom and clicking that brings the subject of the email into the title of the task and create a link out of it.

So that when I get to that task, I click on the title and it opens that email right up, even if I’ve moved it out of my Inbox.

Keyboard Shortcuts could be better

“Didn’t he say that he didn’t want to use a mouse to click on something to start entering in a task?” - Yes I did, but by having Todoist be able to take the URLs and Emails and create a task with one click saves me the time of cut and pasting it myself. So in this case the 2 clicks is much quicker than several cut and paste keystrokes that I would have otherwise had to do.

On to those shortcut keys. Todoist has a number of shortcut keys that I use each and every day. Two that I want to highlight here are CMD+SHIFT+A and /.

CMD+SHIFT+A is the shortcut key for the desktop app to enter in a new task. I can hit this from within any application that I’m in and it’ll open up the Add Task screen from my menu bar.

/ is used to bring my cursor right up into the Filter tasks search at the top of the Todoist app. This works both in the web and on the standalone application.

The other shortcuts help in setting up projects and organizing them. However I feel that they are lacking a bit in the actual creating and reviewing of tasks. It would be nice to be able to hit a shortcut to file a task to a project or set priority or mark a task complete.

Filtering is the key

Todoist Every Day

Filtering goes a long way in making sure that I get done what I need to get done any given day.

Todoist has great filtering, based around projects, time, priority, and even context. It allows me to fit how my mind works for organizing my tasks and projects, and then allows me to setup saved filters so that my tasks appear how I would like them to. What’s great is that these saved filters go across all platforms. So I have a widget on my phone’s home screen that shows me what tasks are relevant to my phone, like phone calls I need to make for the day.

One thing that I find really useful that never seemed to be available or work properly is location based reminders. Todoist has the conventional date reminders, so I won’t go into that. However the location based reminders really impressed me. The only drawback to them is that I can’t set them from the menu bar. I can from every other platform, so unless I’m missing something here, seems like they just forgot.

The locations are powered by Google Maps, so you just start typing in an address or location name and it will appear. Then these reminders will appear as notifications on my phone if I get close to that location.

Todoist Every Day Until

Todoist took it a step further and they even let you choose from recent locations that you set a reminder for. Great job on that as well!

I use this for when my wife needs me to pick something up at the store, for places like restaurant and bars that I want to check out, even gifts that I need to buy for someone.

It needs to just work

I didn’t touch upon the integration with other apps, but I will talk about it in another post, since I’m using services like Zapier to automate the creation of tasks and actions based around completing those tasks.

The design is simple and effective. They even have a 'game' called Karma and you get points for doing things within Todoist like creating tasks, completing tasks, organizing your projects, etc. You even compete against yourself by setting Daily and Weekly goals. Karma will track how many Days and Weeks in a row you meet those goals. This really isn't something I was looking for, but when I find myself sluggish at the end of the day and I look at Karma and see my daily streak at 20 days and I haven't met the goal for today yet. The competitive spirit in me drives me to complete that last task of the day.

When I started with Todoist I figured that I’ve give it a try for a month and see how it worked and flowed for me. Here I am 10 months later and I really couldn’t picture my day without it. In fact, I find that if I need to do something and it’s not in Todoist, then it won’t get done.

Even though the shortcut keys are lacking a bit and that’s a big requirement for me to be a time saver, Todoist makes up for it in other aspects to make up those lost few seconds. So all in all, I almost feel that my search for a To Do app has run it’s course, at least for now. Over the past 10 months my ears don’t perk up as much when I hear about a new To Do application simply because Todoist does the job I need it to do.

About Author

Jason Resnick

Todoist Every Third Day

Jason is a WordPress developer helping small businesses, design and marketing agencies achieve their goals by specializing in Ecommerce and increasing conversions. Learn more about him here.