
  1. Best Affiliate Plugin For Wordpress
  2. Affiliatewp Mlm
  3. Affiliatewp Wordpress Plugin
  4. Affiliatewp Payouts


This plugin requires AffiliateWP in order to function.

Affiliate Area Tabs allows you to add custom tabs to AffiliateWP’s Affiliate Area. Each tab is linked to a WordPress page making it exceptionally easy to add and manage the tab’s content. Pages assigned to a tab are only viewable to affiliates.

Affiliate Area Tabs allows you to:

Event organizers choose Event Espresso for accepting event registrations for conferences, classes, workshops, nonprofit events, and more. Connect AffiliateWP with Event Espresso so your affiliates can promote your events and drive more event registrations. Then pay your affiliates through AffiliateWP on your WordPress website. SliceWP is an easy-to-use WordPress affiliate plugin. Set up and manage an affiliate program straight from your WordPress dashboard.

  1. Add new custom tabs to your Affiliate Area
  2. Reorder any tab via drag and drop
  3. Hide tabs from appearing on the front-end Affiliate Area
  4. Manage tabs added by other AffiliateWP add-ons (Direct Link Tracking, Show Affiliate Coupons, Order Details For Affiliates)

Here are just some of the things you could do:

  1. Add a “Request Payout” tab and then insert a form. Your affiliates can now request that they be paid at any time.
  2. Add a “Contact” tab and insert a contact form. Your affiliates can now contact you from the Affiliate Area.
  3. Add a “FAQs” tab and insert some common questions and answers for your affiliates.
  4. Add an “Important Dates” tab and list some special dates and promotions for your affiliates to remember.
  5. Add a “URLs” tab and list some special URLs (landing pages or product pages) for your affiliates. You can even show their own referral URL using AffiliateWP’s [affiliate_referral_url] shortcode.
  6. Add a “Leaderboard” tab and insert an affiliate leaderboard, using the AffiliateWP Leaderboard plugin.
  7. Add a “News” tab and share important news with your affiliates (or link to other blog posts).
  8. Add an “Affiliate Brand Assets” or “Downloadables” tab, and add documents or images from your WordPress Media Library that don’t suit the existing Creatives tab.

Best Affiliate Plugin For Wordpress

What is AffiliateWP?

AffiliateWP provides a complete affiliate management system for your WordPress website that seamlessly integrates with all major WordPress e-commerce and membership platforms. It aims to provide everything you need in a simple, clean, easy to use system that you will love to use.


  1. Unpack the entire contents of this plugin zip file into your wp-content/plugins/ folder locally
  2. Upload to your site
  3. Navigate to wp-admin/plugins.php on your site (your WP Admin plugin page)
  4. Activate this plugin
  5. Go to Affiliates → Settings → Affiliate Area Tabs to configure the tabs (or removing the existing ones)
  6. View the new tabs by visiting the Affiliate Area page on the front-end of your website. This is the page defined as the “Affiliate Area” at Affiliates → Settings → General

OR you can just install it with WordPress by going to Plugins >> Add New >> and type this plugin’s name


Contributors & Developers

“AffiliateWP – Affiliate Area Tabs” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“AffiliateWP – Affiliate Area Tabs” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Fix: Unable to hide Coupons tab with AffiliateWP v2.6
  • Fix: Custom tabs not displaying dynamic blocks


  • Fix: The “Lifetime Customers” tab title (added by the Lifetime Commissions add-on) was unable to be translated due to an incorrect textdomain


  • Fix: [affiliate_area_graphs] short code doesn’t render in custom tabs


  • Fix: Conflict with Thrive Architect Page Builder


  • Tweak: Provides a notice for the “Lifetime Customers” tab, new in Lifetime Commissions v1.3


  • Fix: Tabs not saving correctly due to previous update


  • Fix: A custom tab with no page assigned could potentially cause an issue when loading the Affiliate Area


  • Fix: Navigating between tabs in the Affiliate Area could produce a 503 error on some servers


  • Fix: Settings screen not loading CSS and JS when some site languages were used
  • Tweak: If the site language is changed, re-saving the settings now retranslates tab titles (if the translation file is available)


  • New: Improved admin UI
  • New: Drag and drop tab reordering. Requires AffiliateWP version 2.1.7 or newer
  • New: Improved integration with other add-ons that add tabs to the Affiliate Area


  • Tweak: Compatibility updates for AffiliateWP v2.1.7


  • Fix: A potential redirect could occur for a page not set as a custom tab


  • New: Added the “payouts” tab introduced in AffiliateWP v1.9


  • Fix: The last custom tab could be removed resulting in an issue when saved
  • Fix: Custom tabs were sometimes not added in the correct order
  • Fix: Duplicate content when 2 identical tabs were set
  • Fix: Issue when custom tabs had special characters included
  • Tweak: Add-on now requires PHP 5.3 or newer


  • Fix: Fatal error that could occur in some instances
  • Fix: Main Affiliate Area should not be able to be selected as a tab
  • Fix: Tabs do not save if no title is entered
  • Fix: Undefined index PHP Notice
  • Tweak: Improved validation during save routine


  • Fix: array_key_exists() PHP Warning
  • Fix: Prevent removal of all affiliate area tabs
  • Tweak: Now uses AffiliateWP’s version constant to check for the existence of v1.8 or newer
  • Tweak: Added a note to the admin screen about how tab pages are shown to non-affiliates.


  • New: Existing Affiliate Area tabs can now be removed! Requires AffiliateWP v1.8 or newer.
  • Fix: 2x PHP notices when no custom tabs were set.


  • Fix: Custom tab content shown at bottom of Affiliate URLs tab

Affiliatewp Mlm


  • Fix: Nesting PHP error that could occur if a tab’s content is set to the same page as the one being displayed on the front-end.
  • Fix: Prevent non-affiliates from accessing a page that is set as a tab
  • Tweak: Renamed “Tab Page” to “Tab Content”
  • Tweak: Removed the Affiliate Area page (if set from Affiliates → Settings → General ) from the select menu since this should never be selected
  • Tweak: Added descriptions to each field to better explain the UI
  • Tweak: widened the column that contains the select menu


  • Initial release

Now you can turn your Affiliate Network into a full blown Multi Level Marketing system, right inside your WordPress website! AffiliateWP MLM is an add-on for AffiliateWP that will allow you to run your own simple Matrix MLM program and pay your members to sell your products and services on your site! It is a complete affiliate recruitment, management, and tracking system.

This plugin allows your site members to send traffic to your MLM site using their referral links. You can set multiple commission levels to reward those affiliates that are more actively promoting the products and services on your MLM site. As members promote your site using their referral links, any sales that are made as a result, will generate a commission to your affiliates based on your MLM settings. Your affiliates can earn commissions on both Direct Referrals that they made themselves, and Indirect Referrals made by their Sub Affiliates. This allows your affiliates to earn commissions from multiple sales by simply referring just one person to your website!

Once activated, the plugin will track new affiliate registrations on your MLM site and automatically place them in the Matrix. Then, they will earn commissions based on this Matrix structure. For example, if you set up a 3×5 Forced Matrix, your affiliates can have 3 Sub Affiliates on their 1st Level (width), and can earn commissions up to 5 levels deep (depth). After the maximum width of 3 is reached, all future referrals will be placed under the next available Sub Affiliate in their Matrix, top to bottom, left to right, building their downline to 5 Levels. So, each of those 3 Sub Affiliates can have 3 Sub Affiliates of their own, and so on, for a full 5 Levels! This turns your WordPress powered site into an automated salesforce for your online business!

Understanding exactly how AffiliateWP MLM works will give you a better idea of how to best utilize the included features for your website. The important thing to know is that AffiliateWP MLM serves 3 main functions in your Affiliate Program:

  1. It connects new Sub Affiliates to Parent Affiliates
  2. It creates 2 Types of Referrals
  3. It displays each affiliate’s Sub Affiliates and their Indirect Referrals
Affiliatewp tutorial

Affiliate Connections

When an affiliate refers another affiliate, who then signs up for your affiliate program via the Affiliate Registration Form, AffiliateWP MLM connects the new Sub Affiliate to the Parent Affiliate that Directly Referred them.

In this case, the Direct Affiliate and the Parent Affiliate are one and the same. In situations where you have Forced Matrix settings enabled, and the Direct Affiliate already has the maximum number of Sub Affiliates on Level 1, the new Sub Affiliate will be assigned to a Parent Affiliate below – one that has not reached the maximum yet. In the MLM world, this is what is known as Spillover.

Referral Types

AffiliateWP MLM automatically categorizes referrals into 2 types:

Direct Referrals

This is the default referral type that is managed by the core AffiliateWP settings in AffiliatesSettingsGeneral. It consists of Sales that were Directly Referred by an Affiliate through their tracking cookie, a coupon, etc.

Indirect Referrals

These referrals are managed by the AffiliateWP MLM settings in AffiliatesSettingsMLM. This type of referral is created when a Sub Affiliate Directly Refers a Sale. AffiliateWP MLM detects the Sub Affiliate’s Direct Referral, and it automatically creates Indirect Referrals for each Upline Parent Affiliate in the Direct Affiliate’s Personal Matrix.

The Sub Affiliates Tab

AffiliateWP MLM adds a new Sub Affiliates tab to the Affiliate area. This allows each affiliate to view a list of the Sub Affiliates that are assigned to them. Like the Edit Affiliate screen, it shows the same 3 columns of Sub Affiliate information:

Affiliatewp Wordpress Plugin

ID – The Affiliate’s ID

Name – The Affiliates Name

SubAffiliates – The Affiliate’s Sub Affiliates Count

Indirect Referrals

The affiliate can also see a front-end listing of all of the referrals that were awarded to them due to the efforts of their Sub Affiliates. Keep in mind, this table only shows Accepted referrals. Each of the indirect referrals listed here, provide the following information:

Amount – The commission amount that the affiliate received

Affiliatewp Payouts

Description – The name of the Product/Membership that was purchased & the Sub Affiliate Level that the sale was generated on

Status – Paid, Unpaid, or Rejected

Date – The date that the referral was created