
  1. Dropsync Pro
  2. Dropsync Windows

While there is a Dropbox app available for the Android platform, it is a little disappointing; enter Dropsync to save the day! Tech News; Downloads; Software Store; Search for: BetaNews. DropSync is a ultra-simple version control system designed for use with Dropbox, although it does not have to be. DropSync is written in Java and currently is for UNIX systems only. Place the DropSync.jar file, along with the globalsett.dss file wherever you like. DropSync is a fast folder syncing tool for the mac.

  • Under the hood DropSync uses rsync to transfer only the parts of files that have changed, so its especially fast for updating over a network. We're always working to keep scan times down and memory usage low so it's no slouch on local transfers either.
  • Android: Dropbox for Android is already a useful tool, but DropSync allows you to select a folder on your SD card and automatically have that folder synchronized to your Dropbox account whenever a.


This plugin will be helpful for admin to display all their dropbox files to wp-admin. Admin can upload new files from admin to dropbox, delete files, create new folder in dropbox from wp-admin. Upload dropbox friles to wp media folder from wp-admin and use those files in their posts.

A brief Markdown Example

Ordered list:

  1. Display dropbox files to wp-admin
  2. Admin can create new folder, upload files, delete files
  3. Admin can upload files to wp media folder which will be used in posts


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • WP Sync for Dropbox


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload dropsync.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. In Admin >> Dropsync >> Settings, you can add your dropbox token and directory path
  4. In Admin >> Dropsync, admin can see files listing from directory they have mentioned in settings. These files are displaying from their dropbox account.
  5. Admin can upload and delete files from wp admin which will reflect on their dropbox account. Admin can upload files from dropbox to wp media folder from wp admin >> dropsync. The same media files admin can use in wp posts.


Will it display dropbox files and folders to wp-admin?


Can admin upload new files to their dropbox account from wp-admin?


Can admin rename files from wp-admin?



Can admin use dropbox files in posts?

Yes. There is an option to upload files to wp media folder.

Dropsync Pro


Dropsync Windows

Its a nice plugin and helpful to connect with dropbox